Image Analyst MKII provides complex image processing tasks in a biologist-friendly manner.

Fluorescence microscopy image analysis
automation - time series - physiology

Mitohondrial velocity vectors in a hippocampal neuron

Mitohondrial velocity vectors in a hippocampal neuron
From: (7).
Note: The vectors were overlaid on the image by Mathematica, using optical flow vector components calculated by Image Analyst MKII.

Optical flow image with vector overlay

Optical flow image with vector overlay in a hippocampal neuron
From: (7).
Note: The vectors were overlaid on the image by Mathematica, using optical flow vector components calculated by Image Analyst MKII.

Mitochondrial velocity assay in dendrites and axons

Dendrites (red) and axons (green) are from binarization of immunofluorescence images. Mitochondrial velocities (as optical flow) are overlaid in pseudocolor.

Optical flow is calculated from dislocations between two frames

Optical flow image of mitochondrial motility in an stHDH cell

Thinness ratio (mitochondrial swelling assay) in an astrocyte

mito-DsRed expressing rat primary astrocyte. The thinness ratio is shown in pseudocolor gated with the DsRed intensity. From: (6).
