- Revvity Harmony Loader
- Labkit Command Line
- Screening support
- and more...
A Fully-Automated Senescence Test (FAST) for the high-throughput quantification of senescence-associated markers
Image Analyst MKII takes a center place in our new analysis method just published on
bioRxiv. We provide an automated workflow
for image and data analysis, from microplates to graphing.
- Improved Nikon *.nd2 handling
- ROI tools
- Imporved z-stabilizer
- and more...
Image Analyst MKII Pipelines on GitHub
- Share, contribute discuss pipelines
- Clone pipeline gits directly from Image Analyst MKII
- Automatic build of readme files from pipelines
- Check out our first repository: Super-resolution actin and mitochondria analysis
- Bright field Color Deconvolution with PCA
- AI Create Training Set
- GitHub support
- More ROI annotation handling
- and more...
- AI-based segmentation and ROI drawing using Cellpose
- Improved Bio-Formats support, and pyramidal format handling
- Use Frame Labels, ROI annotations and edit time points
- Updated histometry/cytometry pipelines
- and more...
Integrating AI cell segmentation to find cells based on NADH autofluorescence
Site IQ in mitochondrial complex I generates S1QEL-sensitive superoxide/hydrogen peroxide in both the reverse and forward reactions. In Biochem J.
- Automated ROI-based time lapse analysis using Cellpose
- Pipeline integration for Elastix through command line execution
Publication Alert
The complete protocol for ΔψM, ΔψP and mito:cell volume fraction assays have been published:
Unbiased Millivolts Assay of
Mitochondrial Membrane Potential in Intact Cells. In Methods in Molecular Biology
- Sample and media preparation
- Fluorescence microscopy recording
- Image and data analysis
- Troubleshooting
Release of version 4.1.1
- New features and improvements under the hood
- New histometry/cytometry, foci & aggregates, micro densitometry pipelines
- New interactive analysis protocols
- and more...
Publication Alert
The mitochondrial permeability transition pore activates the mitochondrial unfolded protein response and promotes aging. eLife 2021;10:e63453
- Mitochondrial shape changes were visualized and analyzed
Publication Alert
Superoxide produced by mitochondrial site IQ inactivates cardiac succinate dehydrogenase and induces hepatic steatosis in Sod2 knockout mice. Free Radic Biol Med . 2021 Feb 20;164:223-232
- The pipeline optimize was used to create a sensitive quantification of fat droplets
- Succinate dehydrogenase activity was analyzed using micro densitometry
Publication Alert
Natural Genetic Variation in Yeast Reveals That NEDD4 Is a Conserved Modifier of Mutant Polyglutamine Aggregation. G3 (Bethesda). 2018 Nov 6;8(11):3421-3431
- Automated analysis of microplate imaging data set
- Measurement of protein aggregation
Feature highlight
Pipeline Optimizer: The Pipeline Optimizer finds optimal parameters of a pipeline that achieve a user defined goal.
Feature highlight
Pipeline Optimizer: The Pipeline Optimizer finds optimal parameters of a pipeline that achieve a user defined goal.
- Batch pipeline processor - automate with simple Excel tables
- Pipeline Optimizer
- MOV, MP4, H.264 import and export
- and more...
Publication Alert
Natural Genetic Variation in Yeast Reveals That NEDD4 Is a Conserved Modifier of Mutant Polyglutamine Aggregation. G3 (Bethesda). 2018 Nov 6;8(11):3421-3431
- Automated analysis of microplate imaging data set
- Measurement of protein aggregation
- Image Analyst MKII is available worldwide through our international distributor, 2Checkout (formerly Avangate).
Feature highlight
Interactive protocol: Measure fluorescence intensity or ratio in time courses
- A step-by step guide how to choose and set up an analysis pipeline
Feature highlight
Pipeline Optimizer: The Pipeline Optimizer finds optimal parameters of a pipeline that achieve a user defined goal.
Feature highlight
Batch Pipeline Processor: It uses an Excel table to define what image files to open and which pipelines with what parameters to run on them, and where to export results.
Release of version 3.5.5
- New interactive protocols and pipelines
- Improvements for smoother operation
Publication Alert
Metabolic activation-driven mitochondrial hyperpolarization predicts insulin secretion in human pancreatic beta-cells. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2018
- Mitochondrial membrane potential and volume fraction assay
- Normalization of respirometry data with cell counting
Release of version 3.5.3
- About 20 improvements
Release of version 3.5.1
- Going 64-bit
- Organize technical and experimental replicates of time courses directly in Graphpad Prism files
- Interactive Primer including analysis protocols
- Loads of convenience features for easier and faster analysis
Publication Alert
ROS Control Mitochondrial Motility through p38 and the Motor Adaptor Miro/Trak. Cell Rep. 2017 Nov 7;21(6):1667-1680
- Mitochondrial motility assaying with Optical Flow using Image Analyst MKII
Publication Alert
Suppressors of Superoxide-H2O2 Production at Site IQ of Mitochondrial Complex I Protect against Stem Cell Hyperplasia and Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury, Cell Metabolism 2016 Oct 11;24(4):582-592
- In situ succinate dehydrogenase activity assay with microscopic densitometry in multiwell plates
Publication Alert
Measurement of the Absolute Magnitude and Time Courses of Mitochondrial Membrane Potential in Primary and Clonal Pancreatic Beta-Cells, PLoS One. 2016;11(7):e0159199.
- ΔψM and ΔψP in intact cells
- Mitochondria:Cell volume fraction
- Single-cell analysis
Publication Alert
Alterations in voltage-sensing of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore in ANT1-deficient cells, Sci Rep. 2016 May 25;6:26700
- ΔψM and ΔψP in intact cells
- Mitochondrial swelling with thinness ratio
Release of version 3.2.0
- High DPI display support
- TIFF folder open
Mitochondrial Morphology & Dynamics
New protocols:
NAD(P)H Autofluorescence Analysis
The new website is launched.
New protocol: Selective measurement of mitochondrial NADH/NAD+ redox state using high pass filtering
December Newsletter
November Newsletter
October Newsletter