118 built-in, menu-accessible pipelines support many basic and advanced image processing tasks and a variety of biological applications. See a list of pipelines here.
Control pipeline behavior by adjusting pipeline parameters in the main parameter bar of Image Analyst MKII. Pipeline parameters adjust one or more image processing function parameters, relevant to the application within the pipeline. For basic use of built-in pipelines this is all the required user interaction with the pipeline.

Advanced use
Built in pipelines can be opened for editing or new pipelines can be created from scratch using an intuitive, flowchart based design. Use over a hundred image processing functions to create custom pipelines. See more on pipelines here, or here (PDF).
Optionally, master pipeline parameters can be associated with any parameters of the image processing functions within the pipeline to enable simple routine use of the new pipeline. Control the pipeline using the master pipeline parameters from the main window parameter bar without further interaction with the flowchart. Do this without a single line of scripting, simple by menu selection and drag-and-drop.